Walgreens on Magazine – Update 12/6/12

Walgreens Magazine Street ProgressBoth interior and exterior work are progressing at a good pace this month.  As the photo indicates the address precast stone was placed at the roofline just this week and the brick veneer on Magazine Street is nearly complete.  This will be striking when the scaffolding is removed and when all the fine stucco detail work is complete in the next few weeks.  Interior work is a combination of drywall installation, initial floor prep, electrical rough-in and final HVAC ductwork connections.  The rear wall facing the parking lot is now covered with stucco and will have the finish coat in place this coming week.  Things are coming together, stay tuned.

Published On: December 6, 2012Categories: Blog, development, New Orleans Southshore, Walgreens, Walgreens Magazine St