Mid-City Market – January Update

Mid-City Market Progress - January 2013

Framing Walls and Slab at Winn-Dixie – 1/12/13

Mid-City Market Progress - January 2013

Steel Framing, Slab, Site Work at Retail A/B – 1/8/13

Since last month’s update, we have moved forward rapidly in the site and building construction at Mid-City Market.  At Winn-Dixie, despite the rainy weather, we have poured almost all of the concrete slab for the building with the remainder to be poured this week.  We have constructed two of the exterior load bearing metal stud framing walls and after the third wall is constructed, we will be erecting structural steel on the outside of the building.

At the former retail building we are renovating, we have completed the metal stud work at the perimeter entrances. We are finalizing the preparation for roof work which will be underway this month.  The two small-shop buildings fronting Carrollton are progressing quickly as well.  The “Retail B” building slab was poured Saturday and the “Retail A” building slab will be poured by the end of this week.  Over the next two weeks the metal stud framing of the walls in both buildings will take place and be immediately followed by structural steel.

We are excited to announce that we have executed a lease with LA Nail Spa for 1,551 square feet in one of the small shop buildings.  We are seeing strong leasing activity for the remaining space and are working towards opening 100% occupied, while seeking the right tenant mix for long-term success.

Published On: January 21, 2013Categories: Blog, development, Mid-City Market, New Orleans Southshore