Mid-City Market – February Update

Mid City Market - February 2013

Masonry, Roofing, and Sheeting – Winn Dixie

Mid City Market - February 2013

Storefront Sheeting and Elements – Retail Building C

Since last month’s update, we have moved forward rapidly in the site and building construction at Mid-City Market in New Orleans.  At Winn-Dixie, we have finished standing the exterior walls, begun sheeting the walls, have set the roof curbs, and finished installing the re-steel.  We have set masonry along the rear wall on the N. Solomon Street side and plan to finish wall sheeting in the next couple of weeks.

At the former retail building we are renovating, we have completed the exterior wall sheeting, interior wall framing, and are sheeting the interior walls. We plan to finish the wall work and finish setting brick for the exterior walls in the next couple of weeks.  We will be turning the building over to tenants for their interior buildouts the first week of April.  The two small-shop buildings fronting Carrollton are progressing quickly as well.  Over the next week, we will be finishing all of the exterior wall framing for these buildings and begin laying the retaining walls.  These buildings will be turned over to tenants for their interior buildouts in May, many of these tenants have shorter build out periods.  We will be delivering the Pei Wei building the last week of March to Pei Wei for their interior build out work.

Published On: February 19, 2013Categories: Blog, development, Mid-City Market, New Orleans Southshore