Louisiana Tops Nation for Most Engaged Workers


There is not only a very interesting, but very important article about a Gallup study which was recently published.

Louisiana ranked #1 in the nation for states whose workers were most engaged in their jobs – meaning they are inolved in and enthusiastic about their work.  Not only is this a feel-good story, but it also has significant underlying implications for new businesses looking to locate here.  Worker satisfaction, engagement, and quality of life tied to the cost of living makes our state a very desirable place to do business.  When you add this accolade to the many others that have come out lately, we are definitely a place of the future .

From a personal point of view, I know that our team at Stirling is actively engaged and contributing at the highest levels on all fronts.

Click here to read the article.

Published On: June 17, 2013Categories: Blog, Market Area, Market Research, President's Message, Rankings