President’s Message: Happy NOW

In this fast-paced, chaotic world we live in, we are frequently bombarded with constant communication and digital noise. We have so much clutter and stuff thrown at us daily that it’s easy to get caught up in the clamor of it all, particularly the negativity and vicious dialogue that plagues our social streams.

Sometimes it causes us to lose sight of the positive things, the important stuff, all the things for which we should be grateful. Often, it takes a setback or unfortunate incident to bring our perspective back into its proper place. You know the saying: you don’t realize how good you have it until it’s gone.

Too often, we spend so much time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future that we don’t appreciate what we have. But, truthfully, we only have now! Even when you look back on the past or plan for the future, you’re still doing it in the NOW. The only thing we can truly control is right here, right now.

So, there is no better time than now to pause and express my gratitude and thanks. I’m grateful for our Stirling Properties team, our clients, investors and friends, all the people who are critical to our success and have made our progress possible, and more importantly, for all your generosity, kindness and caring. I want to personally say THANK YOU; it’s not something we do enough of these days.

As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving Day, know that you are among them.

I wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season—and especially a very happy NOW!

Marty Mayer Signature





Published On: November 19, 2019Categories: Blog, Corporate, President's Message