
Congratulations to Paul Mastio for being selected as one of New Orleans CityBusiness’ 2016 Money Makers!

Paul Mastio New Orleans CityBusiness’ 2016 Money Maker

CityBusiness’ Money Makers recognizes financial professionals whose fiscal work has set the pace for their company and the region. Honorees were selected based on industry and community involvement, and achievement through their energy and innovative ideas.

“CityBusiness commends its Money Makers for the professional standards they follow as well as for the new ones they are setting,” said Natalie Chandler, Editor of CityBusiness Magazine. “This year’s honorees have not only established their institutions as solid businesses but have also worked to provide help to the community where it’s needed the most.”

Paul Mastio has been a leader and integral part of Stirling Properties’ accounting team for the last 23 years. As CFO, he is responsible for all aspects of the company’s accounting & IT team, operations, processes, and reporting functions across our Gulf South service area.

“I’ve always been great with math and numbers, so when I got into the accounting field, I found it worked well for me,” he said. “I can really make a difference with analysis and reporting, and when I do a report for an owner or investor that saves them money, it feels good.”

Marty Mayer, Paul Mastio, Jeff Marshall

Marty Mayer, Paul Mastio, Jeff Marshall

Paul’s role with Stirling Properties is crucial to our success and growth. He is passionate about the company and is always looking to make improvements, save money and assist in our development. “I really enjoy digging into financials or operations and helping the company to be more cost-effective,” he said. “Every day is a huge handbag of new and different tasks in accounting to solve, and that is what motivates me.”

Currently, he is working to implement new commercial transaction software that will simplify work processes for both commercial agents and employees. Paul notes, “I understand the back-end processes of software and how make it work for us so we can be more efficient, report information earlier, and pay our agents quicker. We also pay hundreds of vendors a month, and before, our workflow was condensed into two maddening days. When we changed to doing things electronically, it evened out the workflow so one person can handle it versus two or three. It makes a big impact on cost savings and productivities.”

Paul Mastio, Laura Wallace, Judy McKee, Doug Ferguson

Paul Mastio, Laura Wallace, Judy McKee, Doug Ferguson

He has successfully implemented two major accounting software conversions at Stirling Properties (PMAS and Yardi) which streamlined duties, ultimately saving time and money. He now serves as a member of the Yardi Property Management Systems Users Group and has guided other former PMAS users to the Yardi system. He is also a Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) from AICPA.

Paul is heavily involved in coordinating the annual Stirling Olympics fundraiser. He has also led company efforts to support many nonprofit events such as Northshore Heart Walk, Breast Cancer Walk and ALS Association.

He is directly affiliated with numerous nonprofit organizations, community groups and recreational clubs including ALS Association, Boy Scouts of America, Mandeville Soccer Club and Pelican Park, among many others. He’s volunteered with Habitat for Humanity on the build of three homes, and worked to build local community playgrounds.

Many people have contributed to Paul’s success along the way. “My father was a huge influence on me. Although he was the typical 70s and 80s dad, going to work and bringing home the bacon, he taught me a strong work ethic and to always work hard and do your best,” said Paul. “And all of the partners of Stirling Properties—past and present—have been a blessing in my life, teaching me the ropes of real estate and mentoring me throughout the years.”

When Paul isn’t working—or doing work for others—he attends (and coaches!) his kids’ sporting events. He has five children ages five to 17.

And a little fun fact…he is also building a Shelby Cobra from a kit. “I’ve wanted to build a car since I was 14 years old,” he said. “I’ve been following the industry, went to school to learn to build it, and now it’s finally arriving in my garage this December…..assuming my garage is built by then!”

We congratulate Paul on his tremendous accomplishments, and this much deserved award.


The Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Uncork the Cure Honors New Orleans’ Finest

Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis FoundationLast Thursday, the Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation presented the 9th Annual Uncork the Cure fundraising event at The Cannery in New Orleans. More than 300 guests attended and sampled champagnes and sparkling wines from around the world, as well as food from some of New Orleans’ best restaurants.

For the second year, Uncork the Cure honored New Orleans’ Finest, a selected group of outstanding young professionals that show exemplary leadership, are active in their communities and have excelled in their profession. Stirling Properties’ very own Sales & Leasing Executive, Carly Plotkin, was among the honorees. In addition to her outstanding accomplishments, Carly raised more than $4,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

“I am honored to be selected by the Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as one of New Orleans’ Finest, and to advocate for and advance the exceptional work that the Foundation does in our community,” said Plotkin. “This devastating disease hits close to home at Stirling Properties—three of our employees are directly affected by cystic fibrosis through family and friends.”

Stirling Properties employees attend the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Uncork the Cure

Brandon Gerak, Carly Plotkin, Saban Sellers, Lewis Stirling

Stirling Properties is a proud supporter of the Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Uncork the Cure. Funds raised by the event have helped spur dramatic progress in the lives of those affected by cystic fibrosis (CF). The disease causes debilitating lung infections that lead to premature death. It affects about 30,000 adults and children in the United States and 70,000 people worldwide.

“We still lose precious young lives to this disease every day. It’s more important than ever that we rally our community to fight CF,” said Executive Director Ashley Mills. “We are grateful for every sponsor, volunteer and donor who supports Uncork the Cure.”

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world’s leader in the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis. The Foundation funds more CF research than any other organization, and nearly every CF drug available today was made possible because of Foundation support. Fifty years ago, most children with CF did not live long enough to attend elementary school. Today, people with CF are living into their 30s, 40s and beyond.

Congratulations, Carly, on being selected as one of New Orleans’ Finest and your support of the Louisiana Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!


Stirling Properties’ Will Barrois Appointed to the Advisory Board of Trustees of the Alabama Center for Real Estate

Will BarroisStirling Properties is pleased to announce that Will Barrois, Vice President/Regional Manager of Alabama and Florida, has been appointed as an Industry-Specific member of the Advisory Board of Trustees of the Alabama Center for Real Estate. Mr. Barrois was appointed by the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce, the Alabama Association of Realtors and the Alabama Real Estate Commission. The appointment is for a two-year term effective through December 31, 2016.

Louisiana Well Positioned for Growth in 2013

New Orleans SkylineICSCAs the International Council of Shopping Center’s (ICSC’s) State Director for Louisiana, I recently contributed an article for our Quarterly Membership Newsletter that I’d like to share.  Read the article below about how well the State of Louisiana has been performing compared to the nation:

It is hard to believe that 2012 is already more than a month behind us. What an exciting time to be in the real estate industry and more specifically the retail segment of the industry. As we enter into 2013, new retail activity in our state continues to be on the rise and the industry has exciting and prosperous times ahead of us. I do not know anyone in our business locally that is not looking at a full pipeline of activity for the coming year. We should consider ourselves extremely blessed to be working in markets that have performed so well over the past few years.

Consider how well the State of Louisiana has performed over the last few years, in contrast to much of the nation.

Employment performance has been significant. At 5.5%, Louisiana’s December 2012 seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate is at a four-year low, tied for 11th lowest rate in the nation and well below the 7.2% Southern average and 7.8% U.S. average. Louisiana’s private sector added 26,800 jobs over the year, extending the state’s streak of private sector employment gains to 28 consecutive months. Compared to the U.S., Louisiana is one of just six states with more jobs now than before the national recession began; and since the official end of the national recession in June 2009, Louisiana has added jobs at a faster rate than both the South and the U.S.

Louisiana’s population is also growing according to the U.S. Census Bureau, experiencing five straight years of net population in-migration, with more people moving to the state than leaving. Louisiana netted over 20,000 people in the last four years and the in-migration gains are largely the result of the state’s economic performance. Compare that to the 15-year period from 1990 to 2005, when the state experienced net domestic out-migration of more than 7,500 people every single year, and one can quickly appreciate how much things have changed. Also, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population growth rate over the last five years through July 1, 2012, was about 23 percent faster in Louisiana than that of the U.S. overall.

Economic competitiveness is reaching new heights. In 2012, Louisiana experienced its best year for business development in the last five years, securing more jobs and investment than in any of the previous four years. The state increased its recruitment of new jobs (up 17 %, to more than 24,000) and its attraction of new capital investment (up 24 %, to $22.3 billion) over the strong performance of 2011. It is incredible that this was achieved against the backdrop of a relatively stagnant U.S. economy. The best is yet to come, according to LED Secretary Stephen Moret. He predicts Louisiana will have at least $50 billion to $60 billion worth of new manufacturing projects under way over the next three to four years, many of which will be announced during the coming 12 to 18 months. In its 2012 economic outlook report, the American Legislative Exchange Council again ranked Louisiana’s economic outlook among that of the top 20 states in the U.S.

Louisiana’s business climate is also improving and people are starting to take notice. In the last five years, Louisiana has improved to its highest-ever position in every major national ranking of state business climates, with no other state exhibiting more improvement. CEOs nationwide voted Louisiana the most improved state for business over the last four years, according to Chief Executive. Louisiana ranked 7th in Site Selection’s business climate report in 2012 and 2011, up from 9th in 2010 and 25th in 2009. Area Development ranked Louisiana #6 among the top states for doing business, ranking #1 in the U.S. for cooperative state government and top 5 for incentives, economic recovery, speed of permitting, workforce training, cost of doing business, business climate and labor climate. Business Facilities ranked Louisiana #5 best business climate in America and Pollina Corporate Real Estate ranked Louisiana’s business climate #16 in 2012, up 24 spots since 2008. Additionally in 2012, the state ranked 2nd in the U.S. (1st in the south) for providing the lowest business tax burden for new firms and 10th in the U.S. (3rd in the south) for mature firms, according to the Tax Foundation.

Significant employment performance, population growth, strong economic competitiveness, and a nationally recognized, improving business climate in Louisiana has well positioned the state as the nation seeks sustained growth in 2013. All of this is good news for retail. And good news for us.

March 4, 2013|Awards, Blog, Involvement, Market Research, Rankings|
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