
Carter Plantation Professional Wins Award

(L-R) Gulf States PGA President, Jim Dorman, with GSPGA Merchandiser of the Year Award Winner, Andre’ Caldwell

SPRINGFIELD, Louisiana —- (December 9, 2010)  – Carter Plantation, managed by Stirling Properties, proudly announces that Andre’ Caldwell, PGA Professional at Carter Plantation, was named the 2010 Merchandiser of the Year by the Gulf States PGA of America. The award was presented for superior skills as a Merchandiser and Promoter of the Game of Golf. Caldwell won the award in the Resort & Daily Fee category of the Gulf PGA Member Clubs.  

Andre’ is a 1985 graduate of Louisiana State University, where she served as the Women’s Golf Team Captain and was a four year letterman. Caldwell became the first woman to win a college event for LSU in 1981, when she won the Memphis State University Invitational. In 1988, she played professionally on the LPGA Futures Tour before completing her PGA of America Membership later that year. 

In 1992, Caldwell won the Gulf States PGA Merchandiser of the Year Award for Private Clubs, while working at Beau Chene Golf & Racquet Club in Mandeville. She moved to Carter Plantation in May of 2007, where she has served as Director of Instruction and Head Golf Professional.

Stirling Properties’ Mark Salvetti Attends ICSC CenterBuild Conference

Mark SalvettiCOVINGTON, Louisiana —- (DECEMBER 9, 2010) Mark Salvetti, Director of Project Management for Stirling Properties, recently attended the ICSC CenterBuild Conference, a three day, premier retail design and construction conference held in Phoenix, Arizona on December 1st. The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) hosts this annual conference where more than 2,000 architects, contractors, developers, engineers, tenant coordinators and retailers gather to learn, engage, and connect with industry leaders.

This year is Mr. Salvetti’s fifth year attending CenterBuild and third year as a member of the CenterBuild Program Planning Committee. Along with the ICSC Advisory Council, the 50 member Program Planning Committee is responsible for the conference’s overall success. They meet several times a year to discuss how to best orchestrate an interactive program that encourages the exchange of ideas while addressing local and international development issues.

Among the highlights of the conference is the ability to obtain ICSC’s Certified Development, Design and Construction Professional (CDP) designation, which Mr. Salvetti earned in 2007 as part of the designation’s first graduating class.

“The most important tool we have in understanding the changing demographics that affect our retail landscape is education,” said Salvetti. “CenterBuild is the best way to expand your knowledge base and I encourage anyone in the industry to attend.”

For the past 28 years, the conference’s success stems from focusing on individual learning by creating maximum opportunities to meet other professionals, listen to dynamic speakers, and discuss industry related issues through general sessions, workshops and roundtables. For more information about ICSC or CenterBuild visit

Stirling Properties’ Agents to Serve on the 2011 CID Board of Directors

2011 CID Board of DirectorsNEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – (December 6, 2010) Barrett Cooper, Commercial Sales and Leasing Agent for Stirling Properties, was formally installed as a Director for the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors (NOMAR) Commercial Investment Division’s (CID) Board of Directors. 

The installation luncheon took place at the Southern Yacht Club on Friday, December 3rd where Mr. Cooper accepted the commitment to serve a two year term on the 2011 and 2012 CID Board of Directors. He joins fellow Stirling Properties Broker Associate, Bradley McCoy, who currently serves on the Board. Mr. McCoy was installed as a Director in December 2009 and will complete his term next year. 

The CID is a chartered platform for commercial specialists formed to foster knowledge, education, integrity and professionalism in the field of commercial real estate. An 11 member autonomous Board of Directors is elected to address issues of mutual interest and to help create commercial opportunities for all CID members.

Both Mr. Cooper and Mr. McCoy conduct business through the Stirling Properties Office located in Suite 100 at 615 Baronne Street in New Orleans. For all Commercial Real Estate needs, contact Barrett Cooper,, at (504) 620-8141 or Bradley McCoy,, at (504) 620-8144.

Stirling Properties’ Hammond Square Wins Best of Construction Award

Hammond Square - Hammond LouisianaHAMMOND, Louisiana – (December 3, 2010) At an awards luncheon held at Boudreaux’s in Baton Rouge yesterday, representatives from Stirling Properties, Richard Price Contracting Co., LLC and Duplantis Design Group accepted an award on behalf of Hammond Square. The Power-lifestyle center received Louisiana’s Best of 2010 award of merit in the civil construction category.

Awards were given by McGraw Hill Construction Company and South Central Construction magazine for construction and design excellence. An independent jury of industry experts awarded projects based on safety, innovation, craftsmanship, and contribution to the community or industry by project type.

Hammond Square, originally developed as a 430,000 SF enclosed Mall, was redeveloped by Stirling Properties in 2006 at the request of Palace Properties, LLC, the property’s owner, and the City of Hammond. Site work was completed in 2009 by Richard Price Contracting Co., LLC who was the general contractor for the project and Duplantis Design Group who was the civil engineer. Together, all teams worked to create over 650,000 SF of retail and restaurant space that challenged them to breathe new life into an ailing property.

The success of Hammond Square is noted in the December/January issue of South Central Construction Magazine’s “Best of 2010” where a complete list of Louisiana award winners is featured. For more information about the design and construction of Hammond Square contact Grady Brame, Executive Vice President and Partner of Stirling Properties, at (985) 898-2022 or

Stirling Properties’ Lewis Stirling to Serve on ICSC Committee

Lewis StirlingCOVINGTON, Louisiana – (December 2, 2010) Lewis Stirling, Executive Vice President and Partner of Stirling Properties, was appointed by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Board of Trustees to serve on their Certified Shopping Center Manager (CSM) Admissions and Governing Committee. The appointment is for an initial term of three years commencing on January 1, 2011 with the transition into the committee taking place during the New York National Conference held at the ICSC Headquarters in New York, NY next week on December 9th.

Mr. Stirling was selected to be a member of the CSM Admissions and Governing Committee for his experience, leadership and dedication. As one of the committee members, he is responsible for the CSM certifications’ global success throughout the real estate industry. The committee’s objectives are to oversee exam specifications and curriculum, identify and track trends that impact the practice of management professionals, and provide opportunities for recruitment, retention, and networking as they relate to CSMs.  Mr. Stirling will achieve these objectives through the support of ISCS staff and local area CSM Admissions and Governing Sub-Committees.

“With the confidence of the Trustees, I look forward to helping enhance the CSM certification for the long term,” said Mr. Stirling. “Serving alongside other inspired leaders who all share the same vision and passion is an honor I gladly accept.”

Stirling Properties Awarded Management and Leasing Contract for Clearview Mall in Metairie, Louisiana


Clearview Mall in Metairie Louisiana

COVINGTON, Louisiana – (NOVEMBER 16, 2010)

Stirling Properties was recently named the exclusive management and leasing firm for Clearview Mall

located in Metairie, Louisiana. Positioned on one of Metairie’s premier retail corners at the intersection of Clearview Parkway and Veterans Memorial Boulevard, the 700,000 square foot enclosed Mall is home to a strong mix of retail, entertainment and dining choices. Current anchor stores include Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sears, and AMC Palace Theatre 12. 

“Stirling shares in the vision of maintaining Clearview Mall’s position as a vibrant and high profile property and is honored to represent the retail and office leasing aspect as well as the management operations of the facility,” said Donna Taylor, Senior Vice President of Asset Management & New Business Development at Stirling Properties. “Our 35 years of experience in mixed use properties, office and regional shopping centers will allow us to assist in continuing the prominent market position of Clearview Mall,” said Taylor.

Clearview Mall is one of the most recognized properties in the region. With retail and office space available for lease, this Mall is suited to accommodate both national and regional retailers, restaurants and office needs. For more information contact: 

Retail inquires:Chris Abadie at (504) 620-8139 or

Office inquires:Rick Skelding at (504) 620-8129 or


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