
President’s Message: Do Something.

President's Message

Lately, there are days when it is extremely challenging for me not to get discouraged and disgusted by the barrage of tragic news continuously pouring in from around the world, our country, and most recently, our great state of Louisiana. Increasing violence, deafening angry voices, and escalating hatred are sadly becoming the new normal and all too frequent.

But then, there are days when I am reminded about the virtuous things. Days when my faith in humanity is restored and I remember what is truly important.

One of those days came last Friday at our annual Stirling Olympics, a company-wide fundraiser for local nonprofit organizations. Our incredible Stirling Team joined together to enjoy some friendly competition and good-natured rivalry. We competed in ridiculous games, crazy lip-syncing contests and clumsy relay races. But the most amazing moment was witnessing the genuine pride in our team when the funds were presented to the recipients.

Red Team at Stirling Olympics

This year, we set a lofty goal of raising $45,000 through Stirling Olympics and I am pleased to say that we surpassed that goal, reaching $57,000! Funds raised from the event benefited The ALD Foundation, which strives to raise awareness and supports the research of Adrenoleukodystroply, a genetically determined neurological disorder that affects young boys between the ages of four and ten, as well as the Miracle League of Greater New Orleans, which works with mentally and physically handicapped children so they can participate in everyday sports. What a perfect day!

Stirling Olympics

For those of you that know me, I have an extensive collection of quotations from famous authors, celebrities and business leaders that inspire and motivate me in one way or another.

There is one on my office wall right now by basketball coaching legend, John Wooden, that is particularly meaningful to me and relevant today:

“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”

Yes, we can have good days when we celebrate our business successes and growth, or even personal accomplishments and material possessions. But in order to achieve living a perfect day, it must include a selfless act for the benefit of someone else.

What if we all devoted a little more time doing something to help someone else, rather than creating divisiveness, turmoil and tearing each other down? Could we accomplish more perfect days?

I am very proud of our Stirling Team for their hard work and generosity last week. They were equally proud to have made a difference in someone else’s life—especially those children from the Miracle League and the families from The ALD Foundation that joined us.

I know that we can’t change the world or solve all of life’s problems, but we can do our part, no matter how large or small. A kind gesture as simple as a smile can bring hope in those days of discouragement and disgust.

So my message today is to please go out and do something. Go out and do something—anything—kind for someone who will never be able to repay you. And let’s just see what happens.


Stirling Properties Shows The True Meaning of Christmas

Volunteers of America Christmas Wish Project

Stirling Properties Corporate Office Donations to Volunteers of America Christmas Wish Project

Stirling Properties Corporate Office Donations

For the past 4 years, Stirling Properties has participated in the Volunteers of America Christmas Wish project. Employees and agents from Stirling Properties donated Christmas gifts, food baskets and other essential items to local families. Stirling’s Stewardship Committee organized the company-wide event by partnering with Volunteers of America in Greater New Orleans, Greater Baton Rouge, Northwest Louisiana and the Southeast to serve the New Orleans Northshore and Southshore, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport-Bossier City and Mobile communities.

Volunteers of America helps over 2 million people every year. Their annual Christmas Wish Project helps bring joy to families and individuals who might not have a Christmas this year. Participating in this project is a great reminder of the true spirit of Christmas – giving and generosity. Stirling Properties is committed to supporting the community, and will continue to partner with Volunteers of America in the future.

Northpark Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Raffle

Northpark Christmas Bake Sale

In addition to donating to the Christmas Wish Project, Stirling Properties hosted the first annual Northpark Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Raffle on Friday, December 4th. Local craft vendors as well as employees of the Northpark office complex sold crafts, jewelry, etched glass, books, beauty products and many other great gift items. Northpark Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Raffle The event, organized by two, crafty Stirling Properties employees, raised over $600! All proceeds from the bake sale and raffle were donated to the Volunteers of America, Greater New Orleans’ Christmas Family Program. Northpark Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Raffle Raised $600 for Volunteers of America, Greater New Orleans' Christmas Family Program Thank you to all the participants and shoppers who helped make the Bazaar a huge success! Because of the great response, Stirling Properties plans on making it an annual event! For more information about Stirling’s Stewardship Committee, please visit our website or contact us by email at

December 24, 2015|Awards, Designations, Involvement, Blog, Corporate, Stewardship|

Stirling Properties Stewardship Event Raises Over $40,000

Stirling Olympics

Stirling Olympics

This past Friday, employees and agents of Stirling Properties gathered for the 3rd Annual Stirling Olympics, an event hosted by the Stirling Stewardship Committee to raise money for charitable causes.  The event was a HUGE SUCCESS, with over $40,000 raised for charity!

Employees and agents divided into 10 teams with each team choosing their team name, colors, flag, and song. Charities were voted on in the weeks leading up to the event, with ALS Association and Alzheimer’s Association chosen as recipients of this year’s donations. Each of these well-deserving charities was presented with a check for $20,000.

Teams competed in 8 events – Hula Hoop Chain, Bean Bag Toss, Rubber Chicken Toss, Backwards Basketball, Word Scramble, Egg Relay, Pin the Mustache on the Partner and Shopping Cart Relay. Scores were tallied at the end of the day and individual medals were given for each event. Teams were awarded medals for top overall, top fundraising, most team spirit, most creative, and best sportsmanship. Events were judged by Tara Hernandez (JCH Development), Steve Zito (Zito-Russell Architects), Will Boudreaux (Netchex), Steven Serio (Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson, LLP), and Chip Songy (Former Stirling partner).

The Gold Medal overall went to Team Badditudes…congratulations to Justin Landry, Jeanne Taravella, Samantha Marshall, John Reynolds, Rhonda Creel, Brittany Orr, and Angie McArthur. Congratulations also to Ain’t Life A Beach who earned the Silver Medal – Melissa Serpas, Robin Zemke, Nathan Handmacher, Will Barrois, Ellen McCain, Bill Peitri, Paula Biggs, Jessica Zeringue, Robin Hayles, and Dominick Costanza.  Townsend Underhill, Elaine Fullerton, Melinda Brazzel, Lindsey Palmer, Donna Allsup, John Toomey, Michele Wallace, Joe Gardner, Julie Watson and Mark Pinero of Stirling Funk You Up took home the Bronze Medal and Top Fundraising. Most Team Spirit awarded to Snow White & the Funky Dwarfs, Most Creative awarded to Wheelin N Dealin and Best Sportsmanship went to D’Funk Allstars.

At the end of the day, in an effort to raise even more money, the ownership team participated in a Bubble Soccer game versus 10 employees. For each goal the employees scored, the partners had to pay $500 to the Stewardship Committee. 16 goals were scored for a total of $8,000! This additional money will be used by the Stewardship Committee to donate to other charities throughout the year.

A special thanks to the Stirling Stewardship Committee for all their hard work organizing the event and making it happen.

Stirling Properties Supports Lafayettte Foundation on Aging’s Adopt-a-Senior Program

Adopt a Senior

Barbara Meaux and Carolyn Ciarrocchi from our Lafayette office present donation to Larry Baker of the Lafayette Foundation on Aging

Stirling Properties is happy to support the Adopt-a-Senior program of the Lafayette Foundation on Aging.  Stirling’s contribution will ensure that a senior will receive a home-delivered meal for a year and it is a good feeling to know how our contribution will directly help someone in our community.

The Lafayette Foundation on Aging works to provide daily home-delivered meals to at risk, homebound senior citizens.  Their Adopt-a-Senior program provides a large portion of those meals.  Last year, 117,300 meals were delivered to seniors who can no longer cook for themselves.

There are over 450 seniors on their waiting list for meals, so there is still a great need.  You too can help the Foundation continue its meal delivering mission through the Adopt-a-Senior program.  To make a contribution, send a check to the Lafayette Foundation on Aging, Inc., 160 Industrial Parkway, Lafayette, LA 70508.  For more information, contact Larry Baker at 337-262-5990.

Click here to learn more about Stirling’s Charitable Giving.

July 16, 2014|Blog, Lafayette, Stewardship|

2nd Annual Stirling Olympics Raises Over $30,000!

This past Friday, employees and agents from all offices gathered for the 2nd Annual Stirling Properties Olympics, an event hosted by the Stirling Stewardship Committee to raise money for charitable causes.  The event was a HUGE SUCCESS, raising over $33,000! Employees and agents divided into 10 teams with each team choosing their team name, colors, flag, and song. Charities were voted on prior to the event, with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and The Disposable Heroes Project chosen as recipients of this year’s donations. Teams raised over $33,000 through personal donations and attaining sponsors. Teams were able to earn points the week leading up to the Olympics by correctly answering Stirling Trivia questions. On the day of the Olympics, teams competed in 10 events – Swim Tube/Goggles Relay, Egg Relay, Blind Basketball, Rubber Chicken Toss, Bean Bag Toss, Puzzle Relay, Obstacle Texting Race, Bowling, Hula Hoop Contest, and Tricycle and Bouncy Ball Relay. Scores were tallied at the end of the day and medals were given for each event and the top overall teams. Events were judged by Jamey Flegal (CBL & Associates Properties), Tara Hernandez (JCH Development), Will Boudreaux (Netchex), Jeanne Wallace (Wright & Percy), Tommy Buckel (Duplantis Design Group), and Steven Serio (Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson, LLP). The Gold Medal overall went to Mr. T and the McFlys…congratulations to Townsend Underhill, Sharon Amacker, Jessica Zeringue, Ellen McCain, Amanda Pfeil, Kelly Wellmeyer, Robert Dischler, Ryan Murphy, Dinah Rawls, and John Woodard. Congratulations also to Paul Mastio, Kristy Beach, Tracy Gandy, Lindsey Palmer, Cyndie Quave, Melissa Serpas, Dick Cyr, Jill Meeks, and Donna Allsup of Mastio’s Minions who earned the Silver Medal.  Chris Abadie, Melinda Brazzel, Glinda Erler, Hazel Fischer, Brittany Orr, Valerie Sterkx, Joe Gardner, Justin Landry, Ashley Hosey, and John Hayes of Brewskies and a Six Pack took home the Bronze Medal. At the end of the day, in an effort to raise even more money, the ownership team volunteered to be “slimed”, but employees and agents had to outbid them for the right to drench them in the green slime.  Employees were obviously motivated to slime the owners as over $6,000 was collected toward the overall total. One owner was outbid and employees paid $1,300 to see him slimed! A special thanks to the Stirling Stewardship Committee for all their hard work on organizing the event and making it happen.  A fun day was had by all and we look forward to more events like this in the future!    

Stirling Stewardship Supports Crawfishman Triathlon

Last Sunday, May 4th, was the 31st edition of the Crawfishman Triathlon produced and directed by Mark Salvetti, our Director of Project Management.  We are proud of Mark for his efforts in organizing such a great event and are so happy to support such a good cause!

The Crawfishman Triathlon consists of a 1,000-yard swim, an 18-mile bike ride and a 4-mile run, with nearly 360 athletes competing in this year’s event.  The event takes place in the Grande Hills Estates subdivision north of Covington in Bush, Louisiana.  Many people volunteer their time to make the event possible, and several volunteers from Stirling Properties joined the effort this year.

Every year the race proceeds are donated to two main organizations, Have a Heart Thru Art and the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Research Center.  Donations this year are expected to be similar to past years when $10,000 or more was raised.  Since the inception of the race, over $100,000 in donations have been made to individuals in need as well as many local organizations.

Mark your calendars – next year’s date is Sunday May 3, 2015….the Second Sunday of Jazz Fest.

May 10, 2014|Blog, Stewardship|
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