This is a challenging time for South Louisiana. Many of our family and friends have experienced unprecedented devastation and loss resulting from disastrous flooding in the area. At least 40,000 homes have been damaged and thirteen people lost their lives.
The historic flooding resulted from record ‘1,000-year’ rainfalls produced from an unusual series of slow-moving thunderstorms that dumped tremendous amounts of water on an isolated area in excess of 30 inches in 48 hours. It was more than rivers and drainage systems could possibly hold.
Though the devastation was severe, we are thankful that the vast majority of South Louisiana is safe. In large part, those of us that have previously flooded were spared, and areas that have never seen flooding before were inundated.
While some are still struggling, conditions are improving. Louisianans are resilient—as we’ve seen time and time again—and efforts are already shifting to recovery and progress. People are returning home, businesses are reopening. Cities and communities that were not directly impacted have the opportunity to pay it forward with relief efforts to assist our neighboring residents in need.
Stirling Properties is directing our energy and resources to our employees and surrounding communities that were affected by the flooding. We’re collecting and distributing emergency assistance supplies and basic needs items for victims, and our team members are volunteering with clean-up and recovery efforts. We’re partnering with many local organizations and have made financial contributions to several nonprofits to assist with relief efforts, as well as providing emergency housing.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people, businesses and communities affected by this horrific event. Stirling Properties is committed to South Louisiana and the surrounding areas, and we will be here to help in the recovery efforts, both short- and long-term.
Thank you to everyone that has reached out to us and offered your support and assistance. We are truly grateful for your generosity.
Stirling Properties Takes the Gold During 2016 Stirling Olympics
Stirling Properties has its own version of the premier sporting event! Employees and agents recently celebrated the 4th Annual Stirling Olympics, an event hosted by the Stirling Stewardship Committee to raise money for charitable causes. The event was a HUGE SUCCESS, raising $57,000 for local nonprofit organizations!
Funds raised benefited The ALD Foundation, which strives to raise awareness and supports the research of Adrenoleukodystroply, a genetically determined neurological disorder that affects young boys between the ages of four and ten, as well as The Miracle League of Greater New Orleans, which works with mentally and physically handicapped children so they can participate in everyday sports. Representatives from each organization were on hand to accept a check for $28,000 each.
With funds from Stirling Olympics, The Miracle League is now one step closer to constructing a new field for its Northshore division, where children will have access to a safe playing environment!
Here are a couple of comments from the recipients:
“Special thank you to Stirling Properties for selecting us as a beneficiary of their Olympics this year. Their contribution to the construction of the new field pushed us over the halfway mark to being fully funded!” -Representative, Miracle League
“Stirling welcomed the Adrenoleukodystrophy Foundation and honored us with extreme generosity. The best I can offer to each employee who outdid themselves is thank you. Going forward, the commitment I have already made is to give in a manner that elicits a similar response. Leading with love and care is the best possible path any of us may traverse. Thank you Stirling.” -David Cry, Founder of The ALD Foundation
Throughout the day, teams battled one another in 10 quirky competitions – Basketball with a Football, Musical Chairs, Separation Anxiety with M&Ms, Junk in the Trunk with Kleenx boxes and ping pong balls, Tick-Tac-Toe, Flashdance Pedometer Race, Hula Hoop Chain, Plinko, Heads Up and Team Relay. Scores were tallied and individual medals were given for each event.
Teams were also awarded medals for top overall, top fundraising, most team spirit, most creative, and best sportsmanship. Events were judged by Chris Roig (Netchex), Caitlin Scanlan (VOA of Greater NO), Christi Zito, Steve Zito (Zito Russell Architects), and Steve Serio (Fishman Haygood law firm).
The Gold Medal overall went to The Walking Dead! Congratulations to Carrie Creel (Team Captain), Beezie Landry, Cyndie Quave, Dominick Constanza, Jill Meeks, Paul Blackwell, Paul Mastio, Rachel Jerkins, Samantha Marshall and Elaine Fullerton.
The Silver Medal was awarded to Wonka’s Wild Things – Chris Abadie (Team Captain), Gaines Seaman, Heather McGowin, Hilary Creamer, Justin Toomey, Carly Plotkin, Rachel Fonseca, Shelley Collins, Jeff Barnes and Saban Sellers.
The Reasonably Eccentric Degenerates took home the Bronze Medal – Marty Mayer (Team Captain), Donna Allsup, Griffin Lennox, Jaime Burchfield, Jeanne Taravella, Johnny Tolson, Mark Salvetti, Peggy Foots, Sabrina Narcisse-Lewis and Robin Day.
At the end of the day, in an effort to raise even more money, the owners participated in a surprising and crazy lip-syncing contest, resulting in an additional $8,500 for the Stewardship Committee. This additional money will be used by the Stewardship Committee to donate to additional nonprofits throughout the year.
A heartfelt thanks to our supporting sponsors, including Richard Price Contracting Company, Brasfield & Gorrie, Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis and Swanson, First NBC, Vinson Guard Service, Walker & Dunlop, Adam Ifshin, Arkel Constructors, Associated Building Services, Bellingrath Wealth Management, Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, BH Management Services, CBRE, Duplantis Design Group, Fidelity Bank, Gladstone Jones, IBERIABANK, Jake Netterville, Jones Walker, Kean Miller, Kent Design, Longnecker & Associates, Precision Waste Solutions, Regal Construction, Rotolo Consultants, Rozas Ward Architects, Whitney Bank, Zito Russell Architects. Thank you to our in-kind sponsors Whole Foods Market and Panera Bread.
And a big shout-out to the Stirling Stewardship Committee for all their hard work organizing the event and making it happen! You all deserve a round of applause!!
Stirling Properties Shows The True Meaning of Christmas
Volunteers of America Christmas Wish Project
Stirling Properties Corporate Office Donations
For the past 4 years, Stirling Properties has participated in the Volunteers of America Christmas Wish project. Employees and agents from Stirling Properties donated Christmas gifts, food baskets and other essential items to local families. Stirling’s Stewardship Committee organized the company-wide event by partnering with Volunteers of America in Greater New Orleans, Greater Baton Rouge, Northwest Louisiana and the Southeast to serve the New Orleans Northshore and Southshore, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport-Bossier City and Mobile communities.
Volunteers of America helps over 2 million people every year. Their annual Christmas Wish Project helps bring joy to families and individuals who might not have a Christmas this year. Participating in this project is a great reminder of the true spirit of Christmas – giving and generosity. Stirling Properties is committed to supporting the community, and will continue to partner with Volunteers of America in the future.
Northpark Christmas Bake Sale
In addition to donating to the Christmas Wish Project, Stirling Properties hosted the first annual Northpark Christmas Bazaar, Bake Sale and Raffle on Friday, December 4th. Local craft vendors as well as employees of the Northpark office complex sold crafts, jewelry, etched glass, books, beauty products and many other great gift items. The event, organized by two, crafty Stirling Properties employees, raised over $600! All proceeds from the bake sale and raffle were donated to the Volunteers of America, Greater New Orleans’ Christmas Family Program.
Thank you to all the participants and shoppers who helped make the Bazaar a huge success! Because of the great response, Stirling Properties plans on making it an annual event! For more information about Stirling’s Stewardship Committee, please visit our website or contact us by email at stewardship@stirlingprop.com.
Stirling Properties Stewardship Event Raises Over $40,000
This past Friday, employees and agents of Stirling Properties gathered for the 3rd Annual Stirling Olympics, an event hosted by the Stirling Stewardship Committee to raise money for charitable causes. The event was a HUGE SUCCESS, with over $40,000 raised for charity!
Employees and agents divided into 10 teams with each team choosing their team name, colors, flag, and song. Charities were voted on in the weeks leading up to the event, with ALS Association and Alzheimer’s Association chosen as recipients of this year’s donations. Each of these well-deserving charities was presented with a check for $20,000.
Teams competed in 8 events – Hula Hoop Chain, Bean Bag Toss, Rubber Chicken Toss, Backwards Basketball, Word Scramble, Egg Relay, Pin the Mustache on the Partner and Shopping Cart Relay. Scores were tallied at the end of the day and individual medals were given for each event. Teams were awarded medals for top overall, top fundraising, most team spirit, most creative, and best sportsmanship. Events were judged by Tara Hernandez (JCH Development), Steve Zito (Zito-Russell Architects), Will Boudreaux (Netchex), Steven Serio (Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson, LLP), and Chip Songy (Former Stirling partner).
The Gold Medal overall went to Team Badditudes…congratulations to Justin Landry, Jeanne Taravella, Samantha Marshall, John Reynolds, Rhonda Creel, Brittany Orr, and Angie McArthur. Congratulations also to Ain’t Life A Beach who earned the Silver Medal – Melissa Serpas, Robin Zemke, Nathan Handmacher, Will Barrois, Ellen McCain, Bill Peitri, Paula Biggs, Jessica Zeringue, Robin Hayles, and Dominick Costanza. Townsend Underhill, Elaine Fullerton, Melinda Brazzel, Lindsey Palmer, Donna Allsup, John Toomey, Michele Wallace, Joe Gardner, Julie Watson and Mark Pinero of Stirling Funk You Up took home the Bronze Medal and Top Fundraising. Most Team Spirit awarded to Snow White & the Funky Dwarfs, Most Creative awarded to Wheelin N Dealin and Best Sportsmanship went to D’Funk Allstars.
At the end of the day, in an effort to raise even more money, the ownership team participated in a Bubble Soccer game versus 10 employees. For each goal the employees scored, the partners had to pay $500 to the Stewardship Committee. 16 goals were scored for a total of $8,000! This additional money will be used by the Stewardship Committee to donate to other charities throughout the year.
A special thanks to the Stirling Stewardship Committee for all their hard work organizing the event and making it happen.
Stirling Properties Supports Lafayettte Foundation on Aging’s Adopt-a-Senior Program
Barbara Meaux and Carolyn Ciarrocchi from our Lafayette office present donation to Larry Baker of the Lafayette Foundation on Aging
Stirling Properties is happy to support the Adopt-a-Senior program of the Lafayette Foundation on Aging. Stirling’s contribution will ensure that a senior will receive a home-delivered meal for a year and it is a good feeling to know how our contribution will directly help someone in our community.
The Lafayette Foundation on Aging works to provide daily home-delivered meals to at risk, homebound senior citizens. Their Adopt-a-Senior program provides a large portion of those meals. Last year, 117,300 meals were delivered to seniors who can no longer cook for themselves.
There are over 450 seniors on their waiting list for meals, so there is still a great need. You too can help the Foundation continue its meal delivering mission through the Adopt-a-Senior program. To make a contribution, send a check to the Lafayette Foundation on Aging, Inc., 160 Industrial Parkway, Lafayette, LA 70508. For more information, contact Larry Baker at 337-262-5990.
Click here to learn more about Stirling’s Charitable Giving.