
Walgreens on Magazine – Update 12/6/12

Walgreens Magazine Street ProgressBoth interior and exterior work are progressing at a good pace this month.  As the photo indicates the address precast stone was placed at the roofline just this week and the brick veneer on Magazine Street is nearly complete.  This will be striking when the scaffolding is removed and when all the fine stucco detail work is complete in the next few weeks.  Interior work is a combination of drywall installation, initial floor prep, electrical rough-in and final HVAC ductwork connections.  The rear wall facing the parking lot is now covered with stucco and will have the finish coat in place this coming week.  Things are coming together, stay tuned.

Stirling Properties to Develop Full-Service Walgreens Drugstore in Gulfport, MS

Walgreens Gulfport

Stirling Properties is pleased to announce the development of a new full-service Walgreens drugstore in Gulfport, Mississippi.  The proposed Walgreens will be located at the intersection of Pass Road and Interstate 49 at the location of the former Gulfmart Shopping Center.  Stirling Properties is providing development services, including lease negotiation, financing, and project management, to a third party owner of the property.

The 13,650 square-foot store will have a drive-thru window and full service pharmacy and will serve as a catalyst for future retail development of that corridor. The Gulfport store is slated to begin construction in January and open in the third quarter of 2013.

As a preferred developer for the Walgreens Company in the Gulf South, Stirling Properties has had a long standing relationship with the retailer. “Our team has been working successfully with Walgreens for the past 10 years and has delivered over 25 stores with many more in the pipeline”, said Peter Aamodt, Vice President of Development for Stirling Properties.  “Stirling is committed to finding new development opportunities for all of our retail clients in the Gulf South.”

Construction is also currently underway on a Stirling Properties’ Walgreens development located at 5518 Magazine Street in New Orleans, Louisiana.

For more information, contact Peter Aamodt, Vice President of Development for Stirling Properties, at paamodt@stirlingprop.com or by calling (504) 523-4481.

November 13, 2012|development, Mississippi, news, Press Releases, Walgreens|

Stirling Properties Announces Sam’s Club Opening at River Chase


Stirling Properties, the developer of River Chase,  announces the opening of Sam’s Club at River Chase Shopping Center, the largest open-air retail center in St. Tammany Parish.  Sam’s Club opened today, Tuesday, October 30. The grand opening ceremony, led by Covington Sam’s Club Manager Chris Cuevas, featured local dignitaries and special appearances as community officials cut the ribbon to signify the club’s opening.

The new 136,000 square foot Sam’s Club is the only one in western St. Tammany and has have a fuel station and pharmacy. “Sam’s Club is a fantastic addition to the River Chase development.  This state-of-the-art Sam’s Club is a great compliment to the existing tenant mix at what has now become the largest open air retail center in Louisiana,” said Stirling Properties’ Vice President of Development Townsend Underhill. “Sam’s commitment to the project and to Western St. Tammany Parish has been tremendous over the past 2 years while this deal has been in the works and we are thrilled to see them cutting the ribbon and officially joining the River Chase community.”

For more information about River Chase, contact Townsend Underhill, Vice President of Development for Stirling Properties, at tunderhill@stirlingprop.com or by phone at (985)-246-3785.

October 30, 2012|New Orleans Northshore, news, Press Releases, River Chase|

Louisiana Continues to Leap Forward in All Areas

Top States For Doing Business
Leading economic development magazine Area Development has just released its 2012 “Top States for Doing Business” survey of national site selectors, and Louisiana has posted its best showing ever:

  • #1 in Cooperative State Government
  • #2 in Incentives Programs
  • #2 in Economic Recovery
  • #3 in Leading Workforce Development Programs
  • #3 in Speed of Permitting
  • #4 in Overall Business Environment
  • #4 in Cost of Doing Business
  • #5 in Labor Climate
  • #6 Top State for Doing Business

This is a remarkable set of top-10 votes for Louisiana from national economic development consultants; you can see the full report here.

These latest rankings are just another example of what we see happening all around us.  Louisiana continues to leap forward in all areas – jobs, economic development, business climate, entrepreneurship, etc.  As I tell people around the country the “Louisiana Story”, their reactions are somewhere between amazement and skepticism.  I can tell some of them flatly don’t believe a word I am saying.

That is what makes telling the story even more remarkable.

October 22, 2012|Blog, Corporate, Market Research, President's Message, Rankings|

Southeast Super-Region Committee awarded gold medal by IEDC

Super Region Committee

Just a few short years ago, I was interviewed by a reporter for an article focusing on the extreme divisiveness, dislike and disdain between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. At that time, I even wrote an opinion column, The Feud is Fading, pointing out the futility in this situation and how it was preventing our region from competing nationally and globally.

It was from those roots that discussions began among a small group who had business interests which cross parish lines, from New Orleans and Baton Rouge, to form the Southeast Super- Region Committee.  So today it is truly exciting and gratifying to have the Super-Region Committee being recognized for an award for cross collaboration by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

To me, this represents hope for the continued future success of our region.

Click here to see the article released by Greater New Orleans, Inc.

ICSC World Summit – Shanghai, China

I just recently returned from the ICSC World Summit in Shanghai, China, where worldwide trustees gathered for a meeting.

I was asked to take part in one of the panel discussions to talk about Stirling Properties and the risks, challenges, and opportunities of being a private, regionally-focused real estate firm that deals in multiple property types.

In contrast, others on the panel were CEOs of large public REITs and foreign-based development firms who discussed the same issues from their vantage points.

Needless to say, my perspective was starkly different from theirs in many aspects.

Interestingly enough, several other trustees approached me afterwards to say how much they envied our position of being able to grow in our own backyard and carve a unique niche for ourselves.

What was amazing was that these comments came from some of the largest multinational retail developers in the world.

Sometimes going halfway around the world helps us to focus even more clearly on our own backyard.

September 17, 2012|Blog, Corporate, President's Message|
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