
Southeast Super-Region Committee awarded gold medal by IEDC

Super Region Committee

Just a few short years ago, I was interviewed by a reporter for an article focusing on the extreme divisiveness, dislike and disdain between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. At that time, I even wrote an opinion column, The Feud is Fading, pointing out the futility in this situation and how it was preventing our region from competing nationally and globally.

It was from those roots that discussions began among a small group who had business interests which cross parish lines, from New Orleans and Baton Rouge, to form the Southeast Super- Region Committee.  So today it is truly exciting and gratifying to have the Super-Region Committee being recognized for an award for cross collaboration by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

To me, this represents hope for the continued future success of our region.

Click here to see the article released by Greater New Orleans, Inc.

ICSC World Summit – Shanghai, China

I just recently returned from the ICSC World Summit in Shanghai, China, where worldwide trustees gathered for a meeting.

I was asked to take part in one of the panel discussions to talk about Stirling Properties and the risks, challenges, and opportunities of being a private, regionally-focused real estate firm that deals in multiple property types.

In contrast, others on the panel were CEOs of large public REITs and foreign-based development firms who discussed the same issues from their vantage points.

Needless to say, my perspective was starkly different from theirs in many aspects.

Interestingly enough, several other trustees approached me afterwards to say how much they envied our position of being able to grow in our own backyard and carve a unique niche for ourselves.

What was amazing was that these comments came from some of the largest multinational retail developers in the world.

Sometimes going halfway around the world helps us to focus even more clearly on our own backyard.

September 17, 2012|Blog, Corporate, President's Message|

Eye on the Market Highlights – August 8, 2012

Stirling Properties’ Eye on the Market research alert is emailed to our mailing list and features all the latest news and market reports about the Gulf South.  We scan local and regional news outlets, as well as economic development groups, university research centers, and more, so that we can compile all the relevant rankings, news, economic development announcements, reports and more in one convenient place.  Some highlights from our August 8, 2012 Eye on the Market include:

Occupy Lafayette – Stirling’s Ryan Pecot discusses Lafayette’s occupancy rates  – The Independent

Louisiana Ranked Among Top 10 in U.S. across numerous categories – Business Facilities

Louisiana earns Honorable Mention for “State of the Year” – Southern Business & Development

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August 8, 2012|Blog, Eye on The Market, Market Research, Rankings|

Eye on the Market Highlights – July 23, 2012

Stirling Properties’ Eye on the Market research alert is emailed to our mailing list and features all the latest news and market reports about the Gulf South.  We scan local and regional news outlets, as well as economic development groups, university research centers, and more, so that we can compile all the relevant rankings, news, economic development announcements, reports and more in one convenient place.  Some highlights from our July 23, 2012 Eye on the Market include:

The Fresh Market to Open St. Charles Avenue Store in New Orleans on July 25th

Louisiana Ranked Among Top 5 States for Best Business Climate in the U.S. – Business Facilities

New Orleans Tops Fastest-Growing Cities List – BusinessReport

Lafayette Among Fastest Growing Cities Forecast – The Independent

Louisiana, Southeastern States Lead Job-Training Efforts – BusinessReport

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July 23, 2012|Blog, Eye on The Market, Market Research, Rankings|

Eye on the Market Highlights – June 2012

Stirling Properties’ Eye on the Market research alert is emailed monthly to our mailing list and features all the latest news and market reports about the Gulf South.  We scan local and regional news outlets, as well as economic development groups, university research centers, and more, so that we can compile all the relevant rankings, news, economic development announcements, reports and more in one convenient place.  Some highlights from our June 2012 Eye on the Market include:

Louisiana up 14 spots in 2012 Best States for Business – Chief Executive

Louisiana in Top 10 for State Economic Momentum– NOLA.com

Louisiana earns ‘A’ for small-business friendliness – Kauffman Foundation

Lafayette #1 among “Best Mid-Size Cities for a Job”– Forbes

A Tech Buildup on the Bayou – The Wall Street Journal

New Orleans is Beginning to Attract National RetailersNOLA.com

‘Tide Has Turned’ for South La. Commercial Market – Business Report

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