
Stirling Properties Collects Donations for Tornado Food Drive

Tornado Food Drive - June 2013

Pictured: (Top Row, L-R) Marty Mayer, Cyndie Quave, Tracy Gandy, Ellen McCain, Tara Slater, Samantha Marshall, Courtney Lehman, Jeanne Taravella, Marsha Smalley, Sharon Amacker, Eugene Schmitt, Chris Abadie; (Bottom Row, L-R) Gena Randall, Monica Milazzo, Marcia McGarrity, Tina Crouchet, Judy McKee, Beezie Landry, Jeff Marshall, Nancy Stallings, Amanda Pfeil, Paul Mastio, Kristy Beach, Laura Wallace, Elizabeth Schmelling, Dina Moran, Karen Bachemin, Gerry Catanese

In an effort to help with the disaster relief in Oklahoma, employees and agents of Stirling Properties collected donations of non-perishable food items for the St. Tammany Fire Protection District #1 in Slidell, Louisiana.  Firemen of the district are collecting and organizing donated items and will personally deliver them.  On Saturday, June 8, the donations will be transported to Norman, Oklahoma for distribution to residents affected by the recent tornadoes.

There is still time to donate!  They are accepting donations at fire stations throughout the Slidell area until Friday, June 7.

Mid-City Market – May Update

Below, please find a series of photos showing site progress conditions from the week of May 13, 2013.

Since our last update, the construction activities at Mid-City Market have accelerated considerably and we are seeing the finish line ahead.  We have turned over all 11 spaces to tenants, including since the last update Ochsner Medical Center, Verizon Wireless, Five Guys Burgers and Fries, Felipe’s Taqueria, and Pinkberry.  Many of the tenants have begun their interior buildout work and are scheduled to open for business starting the first week of July.

At Winn-Dixie, we have completed all of the exterior brick work, interior walls, and are closing out our mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work.  The coolers and freezers in the interior are complete, and the large storefront element is nearing completion with the concrete entrance being poured soon.  We continue to build out the interior of their space and set equipment prior to completing the interior finishes.  The glass and exterior glazing is beginning as well.  Additionally, we will be installing the subgrade material, curb and gutter, asphalt, and stamped concrete in the parking and common areas while we complete the remaining Winn-Dixie work.

We are also nearing completion on the remainder of the site that is not in our tenants’ possession.

Mid-City Market

Completed Exterior Storefronts – Retail B – 5/14/2013

Mid-City Market

Complete Retail C Building and Site – Tenant Work 5/14/2013

Marty Mayer selected for Young Leadership Council’s 2013 Role Model Class

Young Leadership CouncilMarty Mayer, President & CEO of Stirling Properties, is among 25 New Orleanians recently selected by Young Leadership Council (YLC) for their 2013 Role Model class.  YLC, a non-profit civic organization that develops leadership skills through community projects, will honor each Role Model at their 27th Annual YLC Role Model Gala.

Every year, a committee composed of members of the YLC Board of Directors and Role Models from previous years selects 25 members of the New Orleans community who serve as outstanding examples for the young talent that YLC represents.  Honorees distinguish themselves by promoting a positive attitude and an unyielding desire to enhance the quality of life in the New Orleans region, striving to unite the community in collaborative efforts for its future prosperity, serving as exemplary role models to young talent, and making significant contributions in their specific fields of endeavor.

“For over 26 years, we have identified leaders in our community who represent the qualities that YLC works hard to promote in our members. This year’s honorees are no exception,” said Richard Pavlick, 2013 YLC Board President. “We are excited to honor this group of outstanding individuals at this year’s Role Model Awards Gala.”

Other members of the 2013 Role Model class include:

  • Charlotte A. Bollinger, Bollinger Shipyards, Inc.
  • Marsha A. Boudy, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation
  • Nannette Jolivet Brown, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana
  • John M. Duck, Adams and Reese LLP
  • Ben Hales, New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans
  • Juli Miller Hart, Projects With Purpose
  • Paul Hoolahan,  Sugar Bowl
  • Janet R. Howard, Bureau of Governmental Research
  • Gary LaGrange, Port of New Orleans
  • John Landrum, Intralox LLC
  • Patricia LeBlanc, LeBlanc Butler LLC
  • Peggy Mendoza, City Year New Orleans
  • Virginia Miller, Beuerman Miller Fitzgerald
  • Kenneth Polite, Liskow & Lewis
  • Ann Rabin, Citizens for 1 Greater New Orleans
  • Dorothy “Dottie” Reese, DMM & Associates, LLC
  • Stephen Romig, LaPorte CPAs & Business Advisors
  • Stephen Rosenthal, Strategic Comp
  • G. Albert Ruesga, PhD, Greater New Orleans Foundation
  • Yaye Sarr, D.D.S.,  Smiles To Geaux
  • Chris Schultz, Launch Pad & Flatstack
  • Pamela Senatore, Generation Louisiana LLC
  • Ann Tuennerman, Tales of the Cocktail
  • Warner Williams, Chevron

About Young Leadership Council

The Young Leadership Council is a non-profit, non-partisan civic organization created to develop leadership through community projects. Through volunteer-created community projects, the YLC recruits and retains young professionals to New Orleans, creating a positive impact on the quality of life in the region. The oldest, independent YPO (young professionals’ organization) in the country, the YLC has raised more than $25 million to support community projects in and around the New Orleans area since 1986.

President’s Message: Wouldn’t it be nice if all taxes were “voluntary”?

Typically, I steer clear of any politically-charged issue in my President’s Messages, but there is a bill currently pending in the Senate that falls into the “just plain common sense” category.  The Marketplace Fairness Act deals with the problem of uncollected sales taxes from the sales of internet retailers that do not have a physical presence in the state in which the consumer makes the purchase.  In my opinion, the loophole is the unintended consequence of a law which was passed over two decades ago…long before the impact of technology and internet sales.

The result today – $23 BILLION in uncollected sales tax revenue.

After a very lengthy campaign of a coalition of trade organizations led by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the Senate is now taking up the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013.  The passage of this bill is critical to the Commercial Real Estate industry, brick-and-mortar retailers and perhaps most importantly, to our State.  As an ICSC Trustee, I want to highlight some important information about this bill:

It levels the playing field for ALL retailers.
Local brick-and-mortar retailers have long been put at a tremendous disadvantage by an antiquated sales tax framework that clearly benefits online retailers.  The current sales tax system is threatening our community retailers, which serve as the backbone of our local economies.

Marketplace Fairness

Courtesy of ICSC. Click to learn more.

It protects small online businesses.
The law exempts firms with less than $1 million in sales from collecting sales taxes, which would exempt 99% of all sellers and over 40% of all online retailers.  It also requires states to streamline the collection process so it is not an undue burden.

It is NOT a new tax.
Sales tax on online purchases is not new; it’s already due and currently should be self-reported by the consumer.  98.6% of us don’t report…should we all go to jail?  The Marketplace Fairness Act removes the burden on consumers by requiring online and catalog sellers to collect sales tax at time of purchase.

It promotes a more stable & efficient revenue stream for state & local governments to pay for projects and services.
Without the bill, states may have to raise other taxes for their in-state residents and businesses.  Estimates of lost sales taxes in Louisiana alone due to internet sales range from $400 million to $800 million…and this figure will only grow exponentially with current demographic trends.  This is a significant hole for a state with a $1.3 billion deficit to fill.

Marketplace Fairness

Courtesy of ICSC. Click to learn more.

This bipartisan legislation provides the federal solution necessary to close the online sales tax loophole and level the playing field for all retailers.  The Marketplace Fairness Act is a simpler, more evenhanded and efficient sales tax system that will bring numerous benefits to our economy.  This is a critical issue that must be dealt with sometime. If not, we are simply kicking the can down the road.  To me, it is just common sense.

Read More:
Yes, It’s Time for an Internet Sales Tax
5 Things You Should Know About the Long Overdue Online Sales Tax Bill
Internet sales tax long overdue: Our view

April 25, 2013|Blog, Corporate, President's Message|

Business is Hopping along at the Square!

The Place for Families...Hammond Square

March was a very successful and busy month for the Tenants and Management of Hammond Square.  We have not seen official sales reports yet, but according to casual conversations with the Tenants and completely full parking lots at times, we expect great numbers. 

Our big Easter event was Saturday March, 30th and the Square was really busy!  At 8 am we had classic cars pulling into the lot near Albasha Greek & Lebanese Cafe and East of Italy for the annual Cars for Kids Fundraiser put on by the Golden Oldies Motor Club.  They raised a record-breaking amount for Children’s Hospital during their show.  155 show cars were onsite for the event with trophy winners in multiple categories:  Best of Show, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine, and Kid’s Choice.  The Golden Oldies also had a stage with live performers and vendors set up in the area. 

At 9 am we had bunnies from Magic Happens Rescue Group out of Baton Rouge in the space next to Kay Jewelers.  The younger crowd enjoyed petting the rescue bunnies and learning facts like how long the average bunny lives and why their ears are so important. 

Also happening at 9 am, we had our regularly-scheduled Tangi Humane Pet Society dogs and kitties arrive at a new spot between Dillard’s and Maurices.  This was the most successful adoption event to date!  Nine dogs and one cat were adopted.  According to the manager of Maurices, they enjoyed having all of the animals close to their store.  Patrons would bring their children in strollers to the windows while shopping so the kids could watch the animals from inside the store. 

The main Hammond Square event, an Easter egg hunt, started promptly at 9:30 with areas divided for children based on age:  4 and under were in an area near Dillard’s, 5 and older were in front of Charming Charlie and Zales.  With over 700 eggs to hide, we finished just in time for the start of the hunt!  We plan on enlisting the help of more people to hide the eggs next year.  After all the planning and hard work, all of the eggs had been gathered in only 5 minutes!  The snack table with low-sugar punch, Ring Pops and Rice Krispy Treats was a big hit with the kids.  It took longer to give out the snacks than the actual hunt.  Another giveaway by Hammond Square was crayons for the kids and bags they could color…a great place to put eggs for the kids who did not bring baskets. 

Most of the Tenants specializing in the sale of children’s items had lines of customers waiting for the 10am store openings.  Our Easter Bunny pictures were nonstop for multiple hours after the egg hunt as well as our Shopping Center train ride.  So far, the majority of the feedback from the community has been overwhelmingly positive.  We’ve received a few messages of thanks on Facebook and over the phone from members of the community.  Many are saying they remember the old Mall having events, but that was back when they were children and they appreciate having these types of events close to home again. 

What is next on the agenda? Hammond Square has partnered with North Oaks Health System for an event to Celebrate Women’s Health on Saturday, May 4th from 10am to 4 pm.  This event has already become bigger than what was originally thought when the concept was first explored.  North Oaks is providing heart and stroke screenings as well as child safety seat checks.  North Cypress is teaching mini yoga/aerobics classes.  Dillard’s has a fashion show and cosmetics event going on that day too.  Multiple local health-related vendors will be set up at tables throughout the Center to provide people with information and promote their products.  North Oaks and Hammond Square have also put together 100 bags filled with coupons and goodies from the Tenants and vendors that will be handed out exclusively to people participating in the events. 

Looking ahead to June, we will have a big event to celebrate Father’s day.  Most people don’t think about a shopping center catering to that holiday for an event, but we look forward to surprising the community with an event that Dads and kids will thoroughly enjoy.

Remember to Shop Tangi to have your sales taxes benefit the community where you live! Shop in Tangi

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